Begonias in the Garden, NZ.

This page is aimed at giving you, the gardener an idea of how and where begonias of various types/species can be grown in a garden situation. Not all of us have shade/greenhouses or even hothouses for those in the cooler areas.

For those looking for more detailed information on Begonia species have a look at Mark Tebbitt’s book “Begonias; Cultivation, Identification and Natural History”. Published  by Timber Press 2005, it has an amazing range of begonias from around the world.

We hope you can draw some inspiration towards growing begonia species from here.

Begonias showing off, Auckland Winter Gardens Hothouse, Feb 2016.

Begonias showing off, Auckland Winter Gardens Hothouse, Feb 2016.

Large leafed begonia

Large leafed begonia

Specie Begonia

Specie Begonia

Feb 2016, begonias on display, AucklandNZ.

Showy begonia species, Auckland Winter Gardens, Feb 2016

Begonia 'Sylvia'

Begonia ‘Sylvia’

Vibrant begonia species leaves

Vibrant begonia species leaves

'Angelica' cane beonia

Begonia ‘ Angelica’

B 'metallica, outside; Auckland , NZ.

B ‘metallica, outside; Auckland , NZ.

Tuberous begonias growing under a tree.

Tuberous begonias growing under a tree, Auckland New Zealand.

Begonia luxurians grown outdoors, Auckland New Zealand

Begonia luxurians, growing outdoors, Auckland New Zealand.

B fuchsioides outside; Auckland, NZ

B fuchsioides outside; Auckland, NZ

Begonia 'Elephant Ears' growing under Kowhai tree, Auckland NZ..

Begonia ‘Elephant Ears’ growing under Sophora tetraptara, Kowhai, tree, Auckland NZ.

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