History of ABC

In 1990’s a small group of enthusiastic begonia growers got together to form Auckland Begonia Circle, ABC. This group was lead by an avid horticulturalist, the late John Smith, and met in the Auckland Horticultural Council rooms at Western Springs, Auckland, New Zealand. Many of the original ‘circle’ were members of the Canterbury Begonia Circle and like John Smith had decided a group in the Auckland region may have benefits for all concerned.

Some members of Auckland Begonia Circle have been responsible for the importation of begonias, either tubers or seed, that have added to the selection found in New Zealand today. Other members have created their own ‘breeding’ program through painstaking and time consuming pollination. Keeping track of the different crosses they made and the results, good, bad or indifferent. Some of the results have been ‘named’ and are available in small numbers.


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